
張貼日期 標題 類別 瀏覽人次
[2024-03-01] Prof. Yu-Lun (Alex) Liu, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University,"Enhancing 3D Scene Reconstruction in NeRFs" 專題討論演講公告 1174
[2024-02-23] 林彥廷 Yenting Lin, National Taiwan Universitye ,"Taiwan-LLM 台灣開源語言模型:開發、評估與心法" 專題討論演講公告 7549
[2024-03-08] 林明彥,"A brief introduction to quantum computing & dynamics of trapped ions quantum computer: from Physics point of view" 專題討論演講公告 919
[2024-05-31]  Prof. Jau Huang,訊連科技,"創建「前瞻群體研究實驗室」:「台大通訊與多媒體實驗室」33年的經驗分享” 專題討論演講公告 905
[2024-01-31] Prof. Tim Chen, "Human-AI Collaboration for a Safer Blend of Physical and Virtual Worlds" 非專題討論演講公告 1934
[2024-01-04] Dr. Ming-Hsien Tsai,Verification of Cryptographic Software 非專題討論演講公告 4426
[2024-04-12] Dr. Alberto Bietti,Flatiron Institute of the Simons Foundation,” Understanding Transformers through Associative Memories” 專題討論演講公告 2941
[2023-12-27] Prof. Ming-Hsuan Yang ,University of California, Merced.,Recent results on learning with diffusion models” 非專題討論演講公告 6693
[2023-12-29] Dr. Yun-Cheng (Joe) Wang, USC ,"Green Machine Learning with Knowledge Graphs" 非專題討論演講公告 2181
[2023-12-22] Prof. Hung-Wei Tseng,University of California, Riverside,"Rethinking (parallel) programming on AI/ML accelerators" 專題討論演講公告 6411