[2024/05/03] 陳亮錡/楊証琨,NTUCSIE, “Emerging Processing-in-MemoryTechnology: UPMEM DPU and its Potentialities”, Tips for top-tier CV conference paper submission"

  • 2024-04-22
  • 宋欣薏
Title: Emerging Processing-in-MemoryTechnology: UPMEM DPU and its Potentialities
        Tips for top-tier CV conference paper submission

Date: 2024/05/03 14:20-15:30
Location:  CSIE  R103

Host: Prof. Lung-Pan Cheng


In recent years, the processing in memory (PIM) technique has progressively captured people’s attention, because it reveals the potential to strike down the von Neumann bottleneck by minimizing off-chip data movement between processor and memory. This presentation introduces the UPMEM DPU, a PIM system that integrates multiple computing units within the DRAM chip. While the DPU effectively addresses I/O bottlenecks, it also presents various limitations across hardware and software layers, posing challenges and difficulties in its utilization.
The presentation explores these challenges and shows the strategies applied to overcome them, using the acceleration of RNA sequence quantification as a case study.


Liang-Chi Chen is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering at National Taiwan University (NTU). His research interests include memory/storage systems, in-memory and in-storage processing. Recognized for academic excellence, he has been honored with the Best Master Thesis Award from IEEE Tainan Section and the Student Thesis Award from TISA.

"Cheng-Kun Yang received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science and Information Engineering from the National Taiwan University. He was awarded a full scholarship from the National Science and Technology Council Graduate Research Fellowship Pilot Program. His Ph.D. thesis received an Honorable Mention in the 2023 Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI) and the 2023 Chinese Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Society (IPPR). He has published several papers in top-tier computer vision conferences such as CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, and MICCAI. Additionally, he has served as a reviewer for these conferences. Currently, he serves as a senior engineer for the Intelligence Vision Processing team at MediaTek, Inc. 

In this talk, he will share his experiences about paper submission to top-tier conferences, including idea exploration and paper organization. He will also introduce some useful tools to ensure your submission is in good shape."