【徵才訊息】Vysioneer 醫隼智慧 - 招募實習生及正職夥伴 (Machine Learning)
Vysioneer總部設於美國波士頓並於台北設有研發中心, 致力於研發最新穎的雲端 AI 技術, 應用於精準癌症治療及加速藥物開發。
醫隼智慧的第一項產品,VBrain, 是世界上第一且唯一取得美國 FDA 上市許可的 AI 腫瘤自 動圈選軟體, 產品進入美國、日本及香港等市場,
且治療上千位癌症病友。Vysioneer並與Pfizer等國 際藥廠合作,致力於推動創新臨床試驗。
在團隊中,你會扮演重要角色,和世界最頂尖的醫師、 人工智慧科學家、軟體工程師、及商業開發人員一同工作, 實際參與尖端醫療AI產品開發的所有流程:
包含系統設計與開發、臨床試驗、醫院臨床導入、 以及商品化的全部過程,你將用你的CS專業改變全球癌症治療。
Vysioneer今年6月14日周五下午會參與臺大資訊工程系 專題成果展,歡迎對醫學AI有興趣的同學們可以跟我們約 coffee chat !
醫師的第二雙眼!醫隼智慧腦部腫瘤 AI 自動圈選系統 VBrain,獲美國 FDA 上市許可
VYSIONEER與MC Medical合作於日本推出首款用於放射治療的腦瘤自動圈選A I
Vysioneer Announces Data Sharing Agreement with Pfizer to Augment Oncology Clinical Trials with Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning Scientist (Summer Internship/Full-time)
• Develop deep learning-based models that analyze medical imaging data and automate clinical workflow
• Work closely with clinicians to design product features that address the most critical clinical problems
• Test and integrate the algorithm/model in the production environment
• Publishing the results of work at top-tier machine learning and clinical conferences
• Share your knowledge and give/receive feedback from peers in the team
• Hands on experience with Deep learning using common open source frameworks and tools (TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch etc.)
• Proficient in Python
• Team player, extremely versatile, highly motivated, and passionate about AI for healthcare
• Good track record of research publications in machine learning
• (Plus) Experience in medical imaging and computer vision
請將你的履歷寄給 Yu-Shan Yang yushany@vysioneer.com
醫師的第二雙眼!醫隼智慧腦部腫瘤 AI 自動圈選系統 VBrain,獲美國 FDA 上市許可
VYSIONEER與MC Medical合作於日本推出首款用於放射治療的腦瘤自動圈選A
Vysioneer Announces Data Sharing Agreement with Pfizer to Augment Oncology Clinical Trials with Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning Scientist (Summer Internship/Full-time)
• Develop deep learning-based models that analyze medical imaging data and automate clinical workflow
• Work closely with clinicians to design product features that address the most critical clinical problems
• Test and integrate the algorithm/model in the production environment
• Publishing the results of work at top-tier machine learning and clinical conferences
• Share your knowledge and give/receive feedback from peers in the team
• Hands on experience with Deep learning using common open source frameworks and tools (TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch etc.)
• Proficient in Python
• Team player, extremely versatile, highly motivated, and passionate about AI for healthcare
• Good track record of research publications in machine learning
• (Plus) Experience in medical imaging and computer vision
請將你的履歷寄給 Yu-Shan Yang yushany@vysioneer.com