
  • 2025-02-06
  • 周承滿

Vysioneer總部位於美國波士頓並於台北設有研發中心,致力於研發最新穎的雲端 AI 技術,應用於精準癌症治療及加速藥物開發。醫隼智慧的第一項產品,VBrain,是全球唯一取得美國 FDA 上市許可的 AI 腫瘤自動圈選軟體,產品進入美國、日本及香港等市場,且治療上千位癌症病友。Vysioneer並與Pfizer等國際藥廠合作,致力於推動創新臨床試驗。
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職缺介紹 (Job Opening)
人工智慧科學家(正職); Machine Learning Scientist (Full-time)
  • Develop deep learning-based models that analyze medical imaging data and automate clinical workflow
  • Work closely with clinicians to design product features that address the most critical clinical problems
  • Test and integrate the algorithm/model in the production environment
  • Publish the results of work at top-tier machine learning and clinical conferences
  • Share your knowledge and give/receive feedback from peers in the team
  • Hands on experience with deep learning using common open source frameworks and tools (PyTorch, TensorFlow, Keras, etc.)
  • Proficient in Python
  • Team player, extremely versatile, highly motivated, and passionate about AI for healthcare
  • Good track record of research publications in machine learning
  • (Plus) Experience in medical imaging and computer vision
如何申請(How to Apply)
Our compensation is competitive. Please submit your resume to Yu-Shan Yang yushany@vysioneer.com