【徵才】暑期實習台灣美光2023 INTERN (桃園/台中)

  • 2023-03-31
  • 宋欣薏
即日起至2023/04/28完成應徵流程且符合實習資格者,即可獲得洗臉機/電競鍵盤抽獎資格,將於 5/2(線上抽出,幸運中獎者以Email 通知!! (FOREO 洗臉機 / ASUS電競鍵盤各一)
  1. 實習專案/導師制度:每位實習生將進行為期2個月的專業/專案實習,部門指派Mentor做為實習生的專屬導師,除了教導與協助專業問題外,更為實習生提供職涯發展上的意見。
  2. 透過新人教育訓練課程、專屬座談活動及期末成果發表會,凝聚實習生們的團隊情感和向心力。美光不僅在乎你專業上的成長,更在乎你在美光的生活。
  3. 美光可以讓你接觸來自台灣各學校的優秀同儕,來自全世界的頂尖工程師。
  4. 提前錄用制度:對於表現優異的實習生,透過提前錄用制度,有機會取得預聘資格,提早獲得就業保障。
  1. Team Building: 充滿活力的實習生們互動交流,打造強大的團隊氛圍
  2. Function Sharing: 無論你來自哪個部門,你都有機會了解其他部門的運作和職掌,成為美光的小百科
  3. Site Tour: 親臨半導體大廠,跟隨導覽員一起探索美光
  4. Cultural Exchange: 來自不同國家的實習生們互動交流 (日本、中國、新加坡),拓展全球化視野
  5. Senior Leader Symposium: 與美光高階主管一起座談,了解產業及美光未來發展趨勢 ,讓你的職涯之路更加光明
  • 台中中科后里園區
  • 桃園林口華亞科技園區
  • 碩一升碩二學生(不含在職專班)
  • 大四升碩一所學生
  1. https://micron.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/External/job/Taichung---Fab-16-Taiwan/XMLNAME-2023-Intern---Semiconductor-Engineer----_JR37627
  2. https://micron.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bx9SShry2ILCKnI
Summer Internship2023 Taiwan Micron Summer Intern - (Taoyuan/Taichung)
First step to workplace, start from an internship, first step to semiconductor, start from Micron!
We are looking for brilliant, self-challenged students and willing to experience the technology of semiconductor industry!
You will have an opportunity to join different projects in department, gaining practical experience in the semiconductor industry, and well prepared to be a professional engineer.
Strat from today to 28th April, 2024, complete the application process and who are qualify to join our internship, would be able to have an opportunity to join our lucky draw to get a Facial Cleansing Machine or a Gaming Keyboard,
It will be drawn online on 5/2 (Tuesday), lucky winners will be notified by email (FOREO Facial Cleansing Machine or ASUS Gaming Keyboard)
Why you need to join us?
  1. Projects and Mentorship: Each intern would undergo a professional internship for 2 months, department will assign mentor as your exclusive tutor, not only mentoring and assisting in professional issues, but also providing advice for your career development.
  2. To coherent interns' team spirits and sense of belonging through newcomer training program. Micron not only care about your growth of professional, we do care more about your living in Micron.
  3. Meet talented peers and colleagues from all colleges in Taiwan, top engineers from different countries in Micron.
  4. Pre-offer: Extending Pre-offer to intern(s) with great performance, to ensure an opportunity to start your career in advance.
Interesting internship experience
  1. Team Building: Communication among all interns
  2. Function Sharing: In addition to your own departments, can also understand the responsibilities of others
  3. Site tour: Visit to the major semiconductor factories, Micron.
  4. Cultural exchange: Interact with interns from Japan, China, and Singapore to experience the real workplace in a global company
  5. Senior leader symposium: Interact with senior executives to know the development trend of the industry and Micron.
Internship information
  • Taichung, Houli Science Park
  • Taoyuan, Hwa Ya Technology Park
Internship period2023/7/3(Mon.)-2023/8/31(Thu.)
SalaryNTD $44,000 monthly (Engineering)
Hiring PositionPlease explore the Micron Taiwan Career website for further information
Target students
  • Post graduate student from 1st year to 2nd year
  • Year 4 college student to post graduate
Application Form:
  1. https://micron.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/External/job/Taichung---Fab-16-Taiwan/XMLNAME-2023-Intern---Semiconductor-Engineer----_JR37627
  2. https://micron.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bx9SShry2ILCKnI
(If you want to apply an internship program, please be sure to fill out this application form and apply on Micron official website)