[徵才] Point72 TW - NTU Campus hiring

  • 2024-09-25
  • 宋欣薏
Point72 Taipei office is looking for talented candidates with background in EE/CS/Physics/Math/Financial Engineering to join our top-notch Cubist research team.
We will hold a recruiting presentation event on 11/6/2024 (Wednesday) at CSIE NTU. In this event, senior researchers from our Taipei office will share their experience and their day-to-day activities when working with colleagues around the world. You have the opportunity to interact with our teammates and explore how your engineering background can be applied to the quantitative finance world. Don’t miss this great opportunity that could open a new chapter for your career.
Event time and location:
  • Time: 2024/11/6 (Wednesday), 18:00 – 19:00 (Registration starts from 17:30)
  • Location: Der Tian Hall, Room 104, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan University
  • Dinner boxes and Point72 swags (limited) will be provided.

About Cubist / Point72
Point72 is a global asset management firm led by Steven Cohen that uses Discretionary Long/Short, Macro, and Systematic investment strategies.
Point72's Taipei office is home to a group of researchers for Cubist Systematic Strategies ("Cubist"), one of the firm's business divisions. Cubist designs systematic, computer-driven trading strategies based on rigorous research to invest across multiple liquid asset classes. Cubist teams around the world develop their investment theses from our unparalleled access to a wide range of publicly available data.

Job description: Quantitative Finance Researcher, Point72 (Taipei)
Quantitative Researchers are responsible for independently conducting quantitative financial research with a focus on statistical and predictive models. Successful researchers manage many aspects of the research process including methodology selection, data collection and analysis, testing, prototyping, back-testing, and performance monitoring.

  • B.S., M.S. or Ph.D. degree in mathematics, physics, computer science, engineering, or other quantitative discipline.
  • GPA ranked within the top 30% of entire class.
  • Programming in any of the following: C++, or Python.
  • Strong analytical and quantitative skills.
  • Keen interest in quantitative research and metrics driven decision making.
  • Demonstrable ability to conduct independent research utilizing large data sets.
  • Detail-oriented.
  • Passion for spotting trends in data.
  • Willingness to take ownership of his/her work, working both independently and within a small team.
  • Ability to work under pressure.
  • Some proficiency in English.


關於 Point72 / Cubist
Point72 是由 Steven Cohen 領導的全球資產管理公司,專精於使用主觀多空策略、宏觀策略,與演算法程式交易策略進行投資。Point72 的台北辦公室是其業務部門之一 Cubist Systematic Strategies(簡稱 Cubist)的研究據點。Cubist 專精於在多種流動資產類別,包括股票、期貨、外匯中部署由電腦主導的系統化交易策略。我們有探索金融市場的熱情,致力於透過卓越的數據存取能力,利用廣泛的公開資料嚴格地研究各種市場現象。
時間:2024/11/06(三)18:00 - 19:30 17:30 開放入場報到)
地點:台大資工系館(德田館)104 教室
  • 數學、物理、工程、金融,或其他量化領域的學士、碩士、博士級學歷。
  • GPA 排名於系所的前 30 %。
  • 具備以下程式語言的撰寫能力:C++ 或Python.
  • 擁有優秀的分析與量化技能。
  • 對量化研究和指標驅動決策的強烈興趣。
  • 獨立研究大數據的能力。
  • 具備探索資料趨勢的熱情。
  • 願意為自己的工作成果負責,並能獨立或在小型團隊內工作。
  • 仔細、細心、具抗壓性。
  • 我們有中文與英文的工作環境,須具備基礎英文能力。