
張貼日期 標題 類別 瀏覽人次
[2024-10-07]Dr. Flavio Cirillo,Senior Research Scientist, NEC Laboratories Europe,Digital Twin: concept, challenges, technologies and applications 專題討論演講公告 3217
[2024-09-13]  Prof. Tsung-Wei Ke,NTUCSIE,”From vision to action, the lessons I learned in robotic research” 專題討論演講公告 6136
[2024-09-20] Dr. Yu-Kai (Kyle) Huang ,MediaTek, ”A Journey through Al Transformation in the Enterprise” 專題討論演講公告 3461
[2024-08-22]  Dr. Peter Kuan-Ting Yu,Co-Founder and CTO, XYZ Robotics, "See it! Get it!  AI for Robotic Picking" 非專題討論演講公告 4607
[2024-09-06] Prof. Chun-Yi Lee, NTUCSIE, ”Challenges of Digital Twin Learning for Deep Learning Based Intelligent Robotics”
專題討論演講公告 2469
[2024-08-22] Prof. Nanyun (Violet) Peng,UCLA,” Controllable and Creativity Natural Language Generation” 非專題討論演講公告 1222
[2024-08-22] Prof. Kai-Wei Chang, UCLA,” From Learning through Labels to Learning through Language” 非專題討論演講公告 1412
[2024-07-22] Prof. Hsin-Yuan Huang (Robert), Caltech, “Quantum Advantage” 非專題討論演講公告 3554
[2024-06-28] Prof. Cho-Jui Hsieh,UCLA, “How to learn language models and how language models can learn 非專題討論演講公告 2450
[2024-06-05] Prof Xiaodong Liu, Edinburgh Napier University,"Challenges in the Next Generation of IoT-based Smart Systems and a Case Study" 專題討論演講公告 3780