
張貼日期 標題 類別 瀏覽人次
[2023-08-31] Prof. Wenchao Li ,Boston University"Byzantine Resilience in Large Robot Swarms"
專題討論演講公告 6252
[2023-09-15]  Hao-Wen Dong,UCSD,"Generative AI for Music and Audio" 專題討論演講公告 3219
[2023-06-12]Prof. Cindy Hsin-Liu Kao,Cornell University, "Hybrid Skins: Conformable Interfaces for Living With" 專題討論演講公告 3581
[2023-06-02]Nick Jervis, Senior Director, Hewlett Packard Enterprise,"Digital World Transformation [Edge-Cloud-AI-ML]"

專題討論演講公告 5415
 [2023-05-19]陳英傑博士,聯發科技,"Raytracing on mobile" 專題討論演講公告 5807
[2023-05-25]  Prof. Hao Li,Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence (MBZUAI) ,"Enabling the Metaverse with 3D Vision and Generative AI" 專題討論演講公告 6774
[2023-05-12] Hans Lin (林思翰),Director of Group.G,"AIGC Workflow - 創意工作實戰力" 專題討論演講公告 8032
[2023-04-21]Prof. Trevor E. Carlson, National University of Singapore,"Attacks and Mitigation Opportunities for Timing Side-channels in Modern Processor Systems" 專題討論演講公告 7774
[2023-04-14] Dr. Robert Chen,VP of Engineering, CrossX at Appier,"I'm graduating. What should I do?" 專題討論演講公告 7354
[2023-03-31] Dr. Ming-Chien Hsu,Researcher, Hon-Hai Quantum Computing Center,"Quantum state tomography via non-convex Riemannian gradient descent" 專題討論演講公告 6565