Title: Human-AI Collaboration for a Safer Blend of Physical and Virtual Worlds
Date: 2024-01-31 10:30-12:00
Location: CSIE R210
Speaker: Prof. Tim Chen
Host: Prof. Mike Chen
Dr. Tim Chen is a tenured assistant professor at the School of Computer and Mathematical Sciences at University of Adelaide, a Group of Eight University in Australia. His primary research interest lies in utilizing emerging technologies to create interactive Al systems for seamless collaboration with knowledge workers. His current research projects are focused on spatial computing and human-centered Al in healthcare. He is the Chief Investigator of the IMAGENDO Project, which was awarded the 2023 Australian Museum Eureka Prize, often referred to as the "Oscars" of Australian science, for its innovative use of Al in diagnosing endometriosis. Additionally, Dr. Chen holds the position of program director for the undergraduate computer science and IT programs at the school.