2024 研究領域:
- Health & Bioscience
- Human-Computer Interaction and Visualization
- Machine Intelligence
- Machine Perception
- Natural Language Processing
- Networking
- Quantum Computing
- Speech Processing
- Silicon Research (Algorithms, Architecture, Open Source Tooling)
- 提名截止日期: May 8, 2024
- 每校最多可提名3位學生至此計畫。
- Student CV with links to website and publications
- Short (1-page) CV of the student's primary advisor
- 2-3 letters of recommendation from those familiar with the nominee's work (At least one from the thesis advisor)
- Research / dissertation proposal (maximum 3 pages, excluding references)
- Student essay response (350-word limit) to: Describe the desired impact your research will make on the field and society, and why this is important to you.
- Student essay response (350-word limit) to: Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes or contributed to group efforts over time.
- Transcripts of current and previous academic records (Official preferred; unofficial accepted)
- 更新的研究領域
- 全球統一的提名截止日期(5月8日),大約6周左右
- 新增申請資格確認問題:Can you confirm the student is not a Google employee or does not have any members of this student's household that is a Google employee (spouse, parent, children)? Please be noted that Google employees, and their spouses, children, and members of their household are not eligible for the program.
- 新增利益衝突確認問題:Has this student or this student's spouse/parent/children ever been employed by Google?. Answering “Yes” does not mean that a conflict is in place, we will do further evaluation.
- 研究提案(Research / dissertation proposal)縮短至最多 3 頁,不包括參考文獻.