計畫旨在為了表揚及獎勵在電腦科學或相關學科、 以及其他潛力研究領域中,擁有卓越表現的傑出博士生。
此項獎學金計畫為期一年,並提供10,000美元的一次性獎學金 和Google研究導師。請訪問網站了解更多關於如何申請、 申請資格與條件等資訊。 若申請者已獲得其他公司之獎學金計畫支持或者曾經獲得過本獎學金 ,則不符合此計畫之參與條件( 若由政府或非營利性組織提供之獎學金則不在此限)。
- Health Research
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Machine Learning
- Machine Perception, Speech Technology and Computer Vision
- Mobile Computing (including 5G)
- Natural Language Processing (including Information Retrieval and Extraction)
- Quantum Computing
- Systems and Networking
- Structured Data and Database Management (new in 2023)
- Silicon Research (Algorithms, Architecture, Open Source Tooling) (new in 2023)
同時,我們還提供“學生差旅補助金”以支持東亞地區的傑出學生( 大學及研究生皆適用),使其能夠有機會參加國際型的會議。 這項計畫隨時可以申請(持續收件中),請協助向學生宣達。報名表 。
相關資訊及報名表件請參考網站 https://www.google.com/intl/en_cn/university/research/phdfellowship/
- 提名截止日期: May 10, 2023
- 此計畫以學校為單位,各校最多可提名3位學生參加此計畫我們鼓勵在電腦科學領域中的女性持續發展其專長,
若貴院校提名人數超過2位,我們鼓勵第三位被提名學生是女生。 - 請透過線上報名表格進行提名,最多以3位為限。在院校完成內部提名後
,院校負責老師或者被提名的學生均可進行提交,提名截止日期為5 月10日前。提名時請準備以下資料:
- Student CV with links to website and publications (if available)
- Short (1-page) CV of the student's primary advisor
- Transcripts of current and previous academic records
- 2-3 letters of recommendation from those familiar with the nominee's work (at least one from the thesis advisor)
- Research / dissertation proposal including references (maximum 8 pages)
- Student essay response (350-word limit) to: Describe the desired impact your research will make on the field and society, and why this is important to you. Include any personal, educational and/or professional experiences that have motivated your research interests.
- Student essay response (350-word limit) to: Describe an example of your leadership experience in which you have positively influenced others, helped resolve disputes or contributed to group efforts over time.
相關資訊及報名表件請參考網站 https://www.google.com/intl/en_cn/university/research/phdfellowship/