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Rules of Courses for CSIE Undergraduate Students


Rules of Courses for CSIE Undergraduate Students

From B09

  1. Core Required Courses: 51 credits
Course Name Credits Course Name Credits
1st I Calculus (1) 2 1st II Calculus (3) 2
Calculus (2) 2 Calculus (4) 2
Introduction to Computer Programming 3 Data Structures and Algorithms 3
General Physics/Chemistry/Biology no less than 6 credits, exceeded credits will be included in General Elective credits
2nd I Linear Algebra 3 2nd II Probability 3
Systems Programming 3 Operating Systems 3
Algorithm Design and Analysis 3
Service Education (a) 1 0 Service Education (a) 1 0
3rd I Formal Languages and Automata Theory 3 3rd II Foundations of Artificial Intelligence 3
Computer Architecture 3 Special Project 3 2
Computer Networks 3
Computer System Laboratory 2 2 Computer Network Laboratory 2 2
Service Education (b) 1 0 Service Education (b) 1 0

Service Education ab required (0 credits). Students whose ID is odd/even number take during fall/spring semester respectively

2 Only one lab course is required (Computer System Lab and Computer Network Lab), exceeded credits will be included in Core Elective credits
3 Students can register for Special Project starting from Sophomore year, at least 2 credits are required, exceeded credits will be included in Core Elective credits
  1. Core Electives Courses: at least 30 credits
  2. General Courses(共同科目): Chinese 6 credits, English/other language 6 credits.
  3. Liberal Education Courses(通識課程): 15 credits
  4. Physical Education I II III IV required (1 credit each), 4 credits in total, but not included in total required credits for graduation.
  5. Total number of credits needed for graduation: 128