Prof. Yuh-Dauh Lyuu's Homepage

Prof. Lyuu's Homepage

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Probably only a person with some mathematical knowledge
would think of beginning with 0 instead of with 1.
---Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy
Bertrand Russell

Education | Positions Held | Research | Courses | Students | Hobbies | Contacts


Positions Held


Course Information

Students and Their Fine Dissertations


Photography, seeing places, high fidelity, classic music, movies (AFI's best 100 movies), architecture, and reading.

Electronically Yours,

Options, artist ically speaking

Yuh-Dauh Lyuu ()
Dept. Computer Science & Information Engineering
National Taiwan University
No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd.
Taipei, Taiwan
Office: Room 429
Lab: Room 446
886-2-3366-4888 ext. 429, 886-2-2362-5336 ext. 429 (office)
886-2-2362-8167 (fax)