Course: Special topics on graph algorithms

Spring semester, 2008

Thursday 9:10 - 12:10, 111 CSIE Building.

3 credits

Web site:

Instructor: Kun-Mao Chao (趙坤茂)

TA: 羅正偉 (臺大資訊工程研究所博士生)


Prerequisites: Some basic knowledge on algorithm development is required. Background in approximation algorithms is welcome but not required for taking this course.



Two midterm exams (35% each; tentatively on 4/10/2008 & 5/15/2008)

Oral presentation of selected topics or papers (20%)

Homework and class participation (10%)


Our classmates:  I  II  III (An-Chiang is taking photos for us.)  IV  V  (Treewe by AC)

Last class: I (WetreeII  III  IV  V  VI


Class notes:

       Counting Spanning Trees

       Minimum Spanning Trees

       Shortest-Paths Trees

       A note on a 2-approximation algorithm for the MRCT problem

       A note on 15/8 & 3/2-approximation algorithms for the MRCT problem

       A note on a polynomial time approximation scheme for the MRCT problem (More details)

       Optimal Communication Spanning Trees

       A 2-approximation algorithm for the SROCT problem

       Steiner Minimal Trees

       A note on eccentricities, diameters, and radii
       A note on the uniform edge-partition of a tree




       Counting Spanning Trees


       Minimum Spanning Trees

       Shortest-Paths Trees




Class presentations:

1.      Suggested number of team members: about 6

2.      Each member is required to present in turn;

3.      Revised slides should be sent to me one week after the presentation;

4.      Questions in class are always welcome;


Selected papers for presentation:



V. King. A simpler minimum spanning tree verification algorithm. Algorithmica, 18:263–270, 1997.

黃于鳴  林振慶  曾照涵  廖鳳玉  張瀠文  陳冠宇




D. R. Karger, P. N. Klein, and R. E. Tarjan. A randomized linear-time algorithm to find minimum spanning trees. J. ACM, 42:321–328, 1995.

張紘睿  蘇承祖  戴宇晉  許智程  黃則翰




Martin Fürer, Balaji Raghavachari: Approximating the Minimum Degree Spanning Tree to Within One from the Optimal Degree. SODA 1992: 317-324

林佳慶  楊鈞羽  陳建霖  郭慶徵  宋彥朋




Jittat Fakcharoenphol, Satish Rao, Kunal Talwar: A tight bound on approximating arbitrary metrics by tree metrics. STOC 2003: 448-455. (Its journal version appeared in JCSS, 2004.)

朱安強  呂維倫  湯志賢  吳韋霖  林晏禕  高孟駿

Alternative options:

M. Thorup. Undirected single-source shortest paths with positive integer weights in linear time. J. ACM, 46:362–394, 1999.



References (not required):

1.          Spanning Trees and Optimization Problems, by Bang Ye Wu and Kun-Mao Chao (2004), Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, USA.

2.          Related journal and conference papers


Useful Links:

Special topics on graph algorithms, Spring 2004

Special topics on graph algorithms, Spring 2005

Special topics on graph algorithms, Spring 2006

Special topics on graph algorithms, Spring 2007

Handbook on Approximation Algorithms and Metaheuristics (edited by Prof. Teo Gonzalez)