Course: Special topics on graph algorithms

Spring semester, 2006

Tuesday 9:10 - 12:10, 107 CSIE Building.

3 credits

Web site:

Instructor: Kun-Mao Chao (趙坤茂)

TA: Hsiao-Fei Liu (劉效飛)


Prerequisites: Some basic knowledge on algorithm development is required. Background in approximation algorithms is welcome but not required for taking this course.



Late midterm exam (45%)

Oral presentation of selected topics or papers (35%)

Homework and class participation (20%)


Our classmates … I  II  III  IV


Class notes:

Counting Spanning Trees

Minimum Spanning Trees

Shortest-Paths Trees

A note on a 2-approximation algorithm for the MRCT problem

A note on 15/8 & 3/2-approximation algorithms for the MRCT problem

A note on a polynomial time approximation scheme for the MRCT problem

Optimal Communication Spanning Trees

A 2-approximation algorithm for the SROCT problem

Steiner Minimal Trees

A note on eccentricities, diameters, and radii
A note on the uniform edge-partition of a tree




About This Class

Counting Spanning Trees

Minimum Spanning Trees

Shortest-Paths Trees

Minimum Routing Cost Spanning Trees



Homework:  Problem Set. (Handout: May 9, 2006; Due: June 13, 2006)


Class presentations:

1.      Maximum number of team members: 4;

2.      Each member is required to present in turn;

3.      Revised slides should be sent to me one week after the presentation;

4.      Questions in class are always welcome;


Selected papers for presentation:

  1. Christos Theoharatos, George Economou, Spiros Fotopoulos: Color edge detection using the minimal spanning tree. Pattern Recognition 38(4): 603-606 (2005)
    Niina Päivinen: Clustering with a minimum spanning tree of scale-free-like structure. Pattern Recognition Letters 26(7): 921-930 (2005)

    2006/5/9 陳怡靜 許秉慧 黃帥雨朋 陳芃安

  2. Michael Laszlo, Sumitra Mukherjee: Minimum Spanning Tree Partitioning Algorithm for Microaggregation. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 17(7): 902-911 (2005)

    2006/5/16 歐政穎 吳瑞傑 林宗茂

  3. Zvi Lotker, Boaz Patt-Shamir, Elan Pavlov, David Peleg: Minimum-Weight Spanning Tree Construction in O(log log n) Communication Rounds. SIAM J. Comput. 35(1): 120-131 (2005)

    2006/5/23 翁書鈞 吳俐瑩 王尹 蕭俊宏 (旁聽) 謝卓叡

  4. Artur Czumaj, Funda Ergün, Lance Fortnow, Avner Magen, Ilan Newman, Ronitt Rubinfeld, Christian Sohler: Approximating the Weight of the Euclidean Minimum Spanning Tree in Sublinear Time. SIAM J. Comput. 35(1): 91-109 (2005)

    2006/5/30 戴邦炘 黃昱豪

  5. Abraham D. Flaxman, Alan M. Frieze, Michael Krivelevich: On the random 2-stage minimum spanning tree. SODA 2005: 919-926

    2006/5/30 陳彥名 林正平 蕭舒方 (旁聽)

  6. Timothy M. Chan: Finding the shortest bottleneck edge in a parametric minimum spanning tree. SODA 2005: 917-918

    2006/6/6 曾文鴻 佘健生 李奇錚 林淑棻

  7. Hassene Aissi, Cristina Bazgan, Daniel Vanderpooten: Approximation Complexity of min-max (Regret) Versions of Shortest Path, Spanning Tree, and Knapsack. ESA 2005: 862-873

    2006/6/13 藍永倫 陳婕妤 潘奕誠 吳妙嬬

  8. Paz Carmi, Matthew J. Katz, Joseph S. B. Mitchell: The Minimum-Area Spanning Tree Problem. WADS 2005: 195-204

    2006/6/20 王振宇 陳健偉 盧永豐 楊川岳

References (not required):

1.          Spanning Trees and Optimization Problems, by Bang Ye Wu and Kun-Mao Chao (2004), Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, USA.

2.          Related journal and conference papers


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