
	Modeling The Dynamics of Life: Calculus and Probability for Life Scientists
	by Frederick R. Adler, University of Utah 


Famous Mathematicians (to be discussed in class):
	Pythagoras of Samos (畢達哥拉斯, 569-475 BC)
	Euclid of Alexandria (歐基里德, 325-265 BC)
	Tsu Ch'ung Chi (祖沖之, 430-501 AD)
	Leonardo da Vinci (達文西, 1452-1519 AD)
	Rene Descartes (笛卡兒, 1596-1650 AD)
	Sir Isaac Newton (牛頓, 1643-1727 AD)
	Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz (萊布尼茲, 1646-1716 AD)
	Leonhard Euler (尤拉, 1707-1783 AD)
	Joseph-Louis Lagrange (拉格朗日, 1736-1813 AD)
	Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss (高斯, 1777-1855 AD)
	Albert Einstein (愛因斯坦, 1879-1955 AD)
	Alan Mathison Turing (杜林, 1912-1954 AD)

History Topics (to be discussed in class):
	The rise of the calculus
	Fermat's last theorem