Tsung-Ting Kuo, Jung-Jung Yeh, Chia-Jen Lin, Shou-De Lin
Here is the resource page for the "StakeNet: Devise, Study and Utilize Social Networks using Stakeholder Information" research. The source code, training data and other related resources can be downloaded here. If you need any information, please feel free to contact us.
Citation: Tsung-Ting Kuo, Jung-Jung Yeh, Chia-Jen Lin, and Shou-De Lin, StakeNet: Devise, Study and Utilize Social Networks using Stakeholder Information, In Proceedings of TAAI 2010.
Download: please contact Tsung-Ting Kuo.
Software Platform: we use Java as our development platform. Please install Java 1.6.0 or above in order to execute or modify our source code.
Hardware Platform: we suggest using AMD Opteron 2350 2.0GHz Quad-core CPU or above, with 32GB RAM or above to run the program.
Acknowledgement: we used these libraries in our program (in alphabetical order):
Apache Collections-Generic 4.0.1 or above
Apache Common Math 1.2.0 or above
Cern Colt Scientific Library 1.2.0 or above
JUNG 2.2.0 or above
Tsung-Ting's Java Utilities
Please let us know if you have any question or suggestion. We appreciate your time for visiting our resource site.
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