Computer Organization and Assembly Languages, Fall 2006

Simple Tutorial of Writing MASM with Visual C++ 2005 Express


Visual C++ 2005 Express

Download from Microsoft
Difference among editions


Download from Microsoft or copy MASMsetup.EXE from in your CD.

Visual Studio 2003

Download from NTUCC

Start a Project

(You can skip the following instruction and download this template and modify for your application. But we suggest you to quickly scan this tutorial to figure out what you have to do in your final project.)

  1. Create a "New Project" and choose "emptyproj".
  2. Right click on "Source Files" -> "Add" -> "Existing Item..." -> Add your file.asm . First time you add your asm file, you have to choose the rule. NOTE that you have to ADD ONE ASM FILE FIRST in Visual C++ 2005 Express.

    Right click on file.asm, choose "properties", choose the "General" on the left hand side, and you'll see "Microsoft Macro Assembly" on the right if your rule matching is successful.

  3. Probably you want to link with external library. In this case, go head right click on your project on the left column and choose the properties. Add your lib file as this picture shows:

    If your lib file is not located in the default path (.), you have to add additional direcotry here:

  4. To debug in VC++ 2005, you have to turn on debug option:

  5. Click "Debug" on the menu bar and choose "Start Debugging" to run your program.