For some unbalanced data sets, accuracy may not be a good criterion for evaluating a model. This tool enables LIBSVM to conduct cross-validation and prediction with respect to different criteria (e.g., F-score, AUC..).
For LIBLINEAR, please see this page
What can this tool do?
Note: This tool is designed only for binary-class C-SVM with labels {1,-1}.
Multi-class, regression and probability estimation are not supported.
Note: When using accuracy as the
evaluation criterion, the cross validation accuracy may be
different from that by standard LIBSVM. The reason is that
LIBSVM internally group data in the same class, while this
tool does not.
#include "eval.h"to svm-train.c and svm-predict.c.
if(cross_validation) { do_cross_validation(); }in the main() of svm-train.c with
if(cross_validation) { double cv = binary_class_cross_validation(&prob, ¶m, nr_fold); printf("Cross Validation = %g%%\n",100.0*cv); }Note that the percentage mark is necessary in order to use No need to change other places where do_cross_validation() appears.
predict(input,output);in main() of svm-predict.c with
binary_class_predict(input, output, model);
double (*evaluation_function)(const size_t, const double *, const int *) = auc;in eval.cpp to the evaluation function you preferred. You can also assign precision, recall, fscore, or bac here.
make clean; make
To display various evaluation results in prediction, you can displace
evaluation_function(total, dec_values, true_labels);in binary_class_predict() of eval.cpp. For example, to see accuracy, precision, and recall, you can write
accuracy(total, dec_values, true_labels); precision(total, dec_values, true_labels); recall(total, dec_values, true_labels);The output will be like
Accuracy = 86.6667% (234/270) Precision = 88.1818% (97/110) Recall = 80.8333% (97/120)
The best parameters vary among different performance evaluations. Using (at tools/ in LIBSVM), you can choose the best parameters with respect to any specified evaluation function. will search best parameters C and g by cross-validation.
Here is an example output of for the data set heart_scale when the evaluation function is AUC:
512.0 0.00048828125 90.7111The best cross-validation AUC is 90.7111% when (C, g) = (512.0, 0.00048828125).
Because maximizes the evaluation value, the evaluation function should satisfy the property that a better model gives a higher value.
New evaluation functions should be added in eval.cpp. The prototype of an evaluation function is
double eval_func(const size_t, const double *dec_values, const int *ty);where dec_values is a vector of decision values and ty is a vector of true labels (+1 or -1). This function returns the evaluation value.
Here is an example showing how recall is implemented.
double recall(const size_t size, const double *dec_values, const int *ty);
double recall(const size_t size, const double *dec_values, const int *ty) { size_t i; int tp, fn; // true_positive and false negative double recall; tp = fn = 0; for(i = 0; i < size; ++i) if(ty[i] == 1){ // true label is 1 if(dec_values[i] >= 0) ++tp; // predict label is 1 else ++fn; // predict label is -1 } recall = tp / (double) (tp + fn); // print result in case of invocation in prediction printf("Recall = %g%%\n", 100.0 * recall); return recall; // return the evaluation value }
double (*evaluation_function)(const size_t, const double *, const int *) = recall;
Please download the files do_binary_cross_validation.m, do_binary_predict.m, and validation_function.m. Put them to the matlab directory of LIBSVM.
Assign the variable
valid_function = @(dec, labels) auc(dec, labels);in validation_function.m to the evaluation function you preferred. You can assign auc, precision, recall, fscore, bac, or ap here. You can use the following two functions.
> do_binary_cross_validation(training_label_vector, training_instance_matrix, 'libsvm_options', n_fold); > [predicted_label, evaluation_result, decision_values] = do_binary_predict(testing_label_vector, testing_instance_matrix, model);
[trainY trainX] = libsvmread('./data.scale'); [testY testX] = libsvmread('./data.scale.t'); do_binary_cross_validation(trainY, trainX, '-c 8 -g 4', 5); model = svmtrain(trainY, trainX); [pred eval_ret dec] = do_binary_predict(testY, testX, model);These files can be used for LIBLINEAR, though you need to replace svmtrain and svmpredict with train and predict, respectively.