LibShortText: A Library for Short-text Classification and Analysis

Machine Learning Group at National Taiwan University

Version 1.1 released on September 10, 2013.


LibShortText is an open source tool for short-text classification and analysis. It can handle the classification of, for example, titles, questions, sentences, and short messages. Main features of LibShortText include


The current release (Version 1.1, August 2013) of LibShortText can be obtained by downloading the zip file or tar.gz file.

The package includes the source code in Python and C/C++.

Please read the COPYRIGHT notice before using LibShortText


H.-F. Yu, C.-H. Ho, Y.-C. Juan, and C.-J. Lin. LibShortText: A Library for Short-text Classification and Analysis

See README in the package for the practical use.

For developers, see Please check online documents for detailed usage.

Please send comments and suggestions to Chih-Jen Lin.