Welcome to Chih-Jen Lin's Home Page
We are recruiting new students (at NTU and MBZUAI).
Machine Learning:
Algorithms and software for machine learning.
Operations Research:
Large-scale Nonlinear Optimization.
- We always welcome new students to join our lab.
Software and research projects
a simple and easy-to-use
support vector machines
tool for classification (C-SVC, nu-SVC),
regression (epsilon-SVR, nu-SVR), and
distribution estimation.
It includes a GUI for both classification and regression.
Version 1.0 released in April 2000.
Current Version: 3.35,
September 2024.
See software document published in ACM TIST:
ACM digital lib.
a library for large linear classification.
It is very suitable for document classification.
Version 1.0 released in April 2007.
Current Version: 2.48,
January 2025.
a library for multi-label classification.
Initial release: April 2021. See latest release via the link.
LIBMF: A Matrix-factorization Library for Recommender Systems
Version 1.0 released in September 2013.
Current Version: 2.01,
February 2015.
A Library for Field-aware Factorization Machines
Version 1.0 released in Febryary 2015
Current Version: 1.0,
February 2015.
a simple decomposition method
support vector machines
for large classification.
It has faster convergence in difficult cases.
Version 1.0 released in January 2000.
Current Version: 2.09,
December 2018.
a simple and easy-to-use
MATLAB code for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization.
Version 1.0 released in October 2005.
Current Version: 1.01, December 2005.
Trust region Newton Method for large
bound-constrained optimization, released June 1999. We also
provide an AMPL interface in NEOS.
Other miscellaneous software
Distinguished Professor, Department of
Computer Science and and Information
Engineering, National Taiwan
University. August 2011--
(Assistant Professor, August 1998--2002, Associate Professor, 2002--2006, Professor, 2006--)
Affiliated professor, MBZUAI, Abu Dhabi, UAE, December 2022--
Adjunct Professor, Graduate Institute of
Networking and Multimedia
, National Taiwan
University. August 2006--
Ph.D., Department of Industrial
and Operations Engineering ,
University of Michigan, September
1995--May 1998.
M.S.E., Department of Industrial
and Operations Engineering ,
University of Michigan, September
1995--December 1996.
B.S. Department of Mathematics,
National Taiwan University, October
1989--June 1993.
Room 413, Department of Computer Science
National Taiwan University
Taipei, Taiwan, 106
Tel: (886) 2-3366-4923
Fax: (886) 2-2362-8167