Recruiting: We Train AI Scientists !!
Do you want to learn how to deal with Tera bytes of data coming from different sources?
Do you want to learn how to predict what will happen in the future?
Do you hope to design analytic models that can be used in real life?
Do you feel excited about this area
after reading my
popular science article about big data?
Do you want to know how we can beat
hundreds of teams in KDD Cup year by year?
NEWS(Note that most of them are out-of-date):
- Slides: Research and Writing Tips for Graduate Students
- MSLAB Summer 2016 Training
- The paper “Inferring Air Quality for Station Location Recommendation Based on Urban Big Data” in KDD2015
- The paper "A Learning-based Framework to handle Multi-round Multi-party influence maximization on social networks " in KDD2015
- The paper "A Dual-Augmented Block Minimization Framework for Learning with Limited Memory " in NIPS2015
- The paper "LambdaMF: Learning Nonsmooth Ranking Functions in Matrix Factorization Using Lambda" in ICDM2015
- The paper "Matching Users and Items Across Domains to Improve the Recommendation Quality" in KDD2014
- The paper "Enriching Cold Start Personalized Language Model Using Social Network Information" in ACL2014
- The paper "Robust Inverse Covariance Estimation under Noisy Measurements" accepted in ICML2014
- The paper "Sparse Random Feature Algorithm as Coordinate Descent in Hilbert Space " accepted in NIPS2014
- Congratulate Dr. Cheng-Te Li for becoming a research assistant fellow in Sinica !!
- Congratulate Dr. Cheng-Te Li has received the best dissertation award in ACLCLP!!
- A long Paper (11%) and a short paper (19%)
Accepted in ICDM 2013
- "Sampling Heterogeneous Networks"
- “Communication-Efficient Distributed Multiple Reference Pattern Matching for M2M Systems”
- Congratulate the NTU team wins KDD Cup 2013 Champions for both tracks. Our team (composed by different students every year) has won 5 KDD-Cup Champions from 2008~2013 except 2009 (3rd place).
- How to Write a proper SOP
Two regular papers accepted
KDD13 (17% acceptance rate), which reflects the hard
working and smartness of our students:
”Indexed Block Coordinate Descent for Large-Scale Linear Classification with Limited Memory ”
"Unsupervised Link Prediction Using Aggregative Statistics on Heterogeneous Social Networks” - Congratulate Dr. Hung-Yi Lo has become the assistant professor in Shih Chien University.
- Congratulate the NTU team wins KDD Cup 2012 Track 2 Champion, this is the 5th consecutive win of our team from 2008-2012 (4 of them are champions).
- 台大校刊
- 社群網路探勘
- 自然語言處理
- 機器學習與資料探勘
- 感測網路資料分析
- 本實驗室2012年新的研究計畫:
- data mining and machine learning for security (利用資料探勘與機器學習方法進行資訊安全研究)
- Location-based intelligent service (以地理位置為基礎的智慧型服務)
- Champions for Both Tracks in KDDCUP 2011
- One paper received the
Best Full Paper Award in ASONAM 2011
- Chien-Tung Ho, Cheng-Te Li and Shou-De Lin.
Modeling and Visualizing
Information Propagation in a Micro-blogging Platform
- Chien-Tung Ho, Cheng-Te Li and Shou-De Lin.
Modeling and Visualizing
- One paper accepted by KDD 2011
- Cheng-Te Li; Shou-De Lin "Social Flocks: A Crowd Simulation Framework for Social Network Generation, Community Detection, and Collective Behavior Modeling"
- Two papers accepted by
ACL 2011
- Cheng-Te Li, Chien-Yuan Wang, Chien-Lin Tseng, and Shou-De Lin. “MemeTube: A Sentiment-based Audiovisual System for Analyzing and Displaying Microblog Messages.”
- Jui-Yu Weng, Cheng-Lun Yang, Bo-Nian Chen, Yen-Kai Wang, Shou-De Lin "IMASS: An Intelligent Microblog Analysis and Summarization System"
- [01/2011] We were granted for Heterogeneous Sensor Network Analysis project by INTEL-NTU research Lab.
- [07/2010] Our team is the dual-champion of ACM KDDCUP 2010!!
- [ Student Recruiting ] Prospective students please see FAQ
- [ 07/01/2009 ] We have received the 3rd place in the extended track of KDDCUP09 !!
- [ 04/2009 ] Tutorial Presented in PAKDD2009 !!
- [ 09/01/2008 ]
Our Lab wins ACM KDDCUP 2008 !!
- [ 01/16/2008 ] "Research as a graduate student: beyond a survival guide" has been put online.
[1/2008] 擔任Secretary General for TAAI
- [ 12/01/2007 ] Winner of Google Research Award 2007