Hand Posture
Recognition Using Hidden Conditional Random Fields
Te-Cheng Liu, Ko-Chih
Wang, Augustine Tsai and Chieh-Chih Wang
2009 IEEE/ASME International Conference on
Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics
Abstract |
understanding is essential to human robot interaction, and hand posture
recognition is one of the most important components in a body-language
recognition system. The existing hand posture recognition approaches
based on robust local features such as SIFT can be invariant to
background noise and in-plane rotation. However the ignorance of the
relationships among local features is a fundamental issue. The
part-based models argue that objects of the same category share the
same part-structure which consists of parts and relationships among
parts. In this paper, a discriminative part-based model, Hidden
Conditional Random Fields (HCRFs), is used to recognize hand postures.
Although the existing global locations of features have been used to
consider large scale dependency among parts in the HCRFs framework, the
results are not invariant to in-plane rotation. New features by the
distance to the image center are proposed to encode the global
relationship as well as to perform in-plane rotation-invariant
recognition. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed
approach is in-plane rotation-invariant and outperforms the approach
using AdaBoost with SIFT.
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Bibtex |
author = {Te-Cheng Liu and Ko-Chih Wang and
Augustine Tsai and Chieh-Chih Wang},
title = {Hand Posture
Recognition Using Hidden Conditional Random Fields},
booktitle = {IEEE/ASME
International Conference on Advanced Intelligent
address = {Singapore},
month = {July},
year = {2009},
Copyright ©
(Bob) Wang 2009. All right reserved.
Last Updated: May 30, 2009.